What's with the sudden fascination?

a topographical map of Greenland

I have been stumped lately as to why Trump is so heavily leaning on the aquisition of Greenland. He has mentioned by force, by economic submission and by purchase. I have read two decent articles in the last few days that have helped me understand the why, but not the how yet:

Foreign policy commentary on the Arctic region, however, often misses a key point: the Arctic plays a unique and critical role in space security. Any satellite in a polar or sun-synchronous orbit, such as those in critical communications, imagery and weather monitoring constellations, requires an Arctic ground station for consistent tracking, telemetry, and control throughout every revolution. As space assets proliferate and competition with Russia and China increases, the Arctic will only become more important. The debate over physical control of Greenland is only one piece of this puzzle.
Why the space community should care about Arctic geopolitics
Looks like Greenland is back on the menu. In a series of Truth Social posts, President-elect Donald Trump announced that American ownership of the Arctic island, which hosts the United States Space…

On top of this, Greenland’s resource wealth is immense. It has known reserves of 43 of the 50 minerals deemed “critical” by America’s government, including probably the largest deposits of rare earths outside China. These are crucial to military kit and green-energy equipment. Wells off Greenland’s coast could yield 52bn barrels of oil, about 3% of the world’s proven reserves, according to an estimate in 2008 by the US Geological Survey.
An American purchase of Greenland could be the deal of the century
The economics of buying new territory

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