I didn't realize it, but this blog turned 24 last week.

I bought this domain 24 years ago - 2000-07-20 05:05:20 UTC

a picture of Conan O'Brien describing the date this blog was incepeted

Over the years, it has taken up many forms; previous to last month, I used Vercel to host it, and it was a static Jekyll blog. I decided to up the game a little ( and convince myself to write more ) by paying for a subscription to Ghost, which is up and running now. I still want to do more with the site, but Ghost is pretty impressive so far. For those who may be reading and wondering what the "subscription" thing is, don't worry; I will never charge; I just thought it was an excellent way to force readers to log in if they wanted to leave comments.

I got rid of comments on my blog probably about a decade ago because of all the spam it attracted. It was also a little annoying playing the moderator on them. They are back now, though. Huzzah.